Vivium Naarderheem is a pioneer in recovery and care for the elderly. Every year, approximately 800 people rehabilitate after an orthopaedic procedure, a stroke or other illness at one of its facilities. The group pays careful attention to a healthy living environment and believes in sustainable care. Through a systematic approach Vivium takes to take its responsibility and contribution to a healthy society seriously.
Vivium Healthcare Naarderheem
Care for a sustainable future.Vivium Healthcare: a group with a belief in sustainable care for a sustainable future. Using swill from its industrial kitchens it’s able to heat its care homes with BioGas and use BioWater for landscape maintenance
The unused raw materials from Vivium Naarderheem's industrial kitchens are transformed into BioGas and BioWater with a Circ BioTransformer 50. It supplies Vivium with a sustainable alternative to natural gas and fertiliser.

The benefits
- BioGas is used to heat care homes and (tap) water
- BioWater is used for landscape maintenance
- Social impact: more connection with the neighbourhood
- Contribution to Vivium's circular ambitions
- Every day kilos of unused food are processed into sustainable BioGas and BioWater
The result
- CO2 reduction through energy transformation
- Cost reduction for swill disposal
- Cost savings on energy consumption
- Contribution to the sustainability goals
- Contribute to sustainable education and awareness of the residents
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