More and more guests expect the hotel where they stay to treat the environment sustainably. With a BioTransformer, you take that sustainable responsibility and you can show your guests that you act in a circular way . And in doing so, you immediately reduce your energy costs and CO₂ emissions.

Residual flows
It is in the interest of your hotel and the climate to use energy as efficiently as possible. Various large hotel chains are now working with a Circ BioTransformer in which organic raw material is converted into BioGas and BioWater. By doing so, your organic residual flows are hygienically processed, the sustainable performance of your hotel is improved and your operating costs are reduced.

Choose green
Sustainable hotels are increasingly popular, but what does it actually mean? Traveling is not necessarily sustainable, but you can of course make it more sustainable by choice. For example by choosing a sustainable location to stay where they reduce CO2 emissions by converting organic residual flows into BioGas and BioWater.

An ideal solution
The Circ BioTransformer is a unique compact biodigester that converts vegetables, fruit, and food waste into sustainable BioGas and BioWater. You get about 0.4 m3 of BioGas from 1 kilo of GFE, depending on the type of input. And that's a lot! Biogas, the green variant of natural gas, can be used directly for central heating, hot water, and cooking installations.
The BioGas can also be converted into electricity or used as a hybrid solution to use energy as efficiently as possible. The BioTransformer can therefore also be used in gasless environments.

- Food waste is converted into BioGas
- BioGas is used for heating or cooking
- There is a direct solution for processing unused organic raw materials
- CO₂ reduction through energy transformation
- Cost reduction in disposal of organic raw materials
- Major cost savings on energy consumption
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